
Minister Articles

The Invisible Virus That's ​​​​​​​Changing Our Lives!

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By Rev. Pamela Meyer Crissey, ADL Admin 

The Invisible Virus That's ​​​​​​​Changing Our Lives!

For many years we have witnessed and experienced the increase of busy-ness in our lives. Many express the feeling of how fast time is going. Parents are toting kids to endless sports practices and classes while holding down jobs. We hardly have time to breathe. Too many Americans hold down several part-time jobs just to make ends meet, and then they come home exhausted. Then 2020 arrives with all of …

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Breath of a Death Doula

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By Analisa Domenica, ADL Admin 

Breath of a Death Doula

My nature as a death doula is to provide comfort for the dying: comfort of mind, emotion, spirit, body, and breath. These are grievous times AND profound pathways for my ilk. Bearing witness from a distance, we encounter the sea of people across the globe, dying without family, friends or doulas by their side; alone without their loved ones. We are naturally inclined and trained for holding pure space, cradling bodies, synchronizing peace…

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Poem: Love Is All There Is

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By Rev. Barbara Powers Mayer

Love is All There Is
By Rev Barbara Lee Powers Mayer
licensed, ordained of Alliance of Divine Love since 2001😄 😍💜🌹

Love is all that is important to us ❤️
So let go strife and let go fuss 🥺

Love is in, out and all around 😃😃😃
Love is really easy to be found 💕 for Valentine's Day 2020
or any day 💕

Love is here, there, and every where 💕
Look for the good and do or dare 💕
Look around and what do you see😅
Lots of love like the deep blue sea 🐬

Family, lovers and friends.💕

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