Minister Articles
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I am fully aware of Infinite Source Energy in Mother Earth, in all situations and in all people. I lift my thoughts to envision the highest good for all of creation. I visualize dynamic health, prosperity, peace, joy and love for everyone, especially those experiencing challenges in their earthly lives. I affirm wholeness, goodness and restoration which is the spiritual Truth of all circumstances. When my thoughts drift to hardships experienced by those for whom I p…
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I welcome the healing of Divine Energy into my body and emotions.
I welcome Infinite Source into my finances and prosperity.
I welcome Divine Peace into my connection with Mother Earth and her many creations.
I welcome Divine Source into my imaginative and creative endeavors.
I welcome Divine Love into my relationships with family, friends, and all the world's inhabitants.
I welcome the Universe as I know it into all aspects of my life and my well being.
I wel…
How Do We Give Thanks?
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
Do I truly express my gratitude as well as I can? Sometimes that’s a trick question for me. I might “say” I’m thankful; I might even make a gratitude list where I write down all the big things (and little things, too) that I’m grateful for. It’s probable that I’ll express my gratitude aloud in the form of grace before a meal, or a simple acknowledgement of something someone has done for me.
But is that enough? Will those simple actions really help me change my atti…
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
When I breathe deeply, my body relaxes.
When I go into the silence, irritations release me.
When I pray, I feel love for others.
When I take time in introspection, my self-love strengthens.
When I meditate, I allow my soul to speak to me and guide me.
When I commune with Spirit, Divine Source envelopes me.
When I acknowledge my Oneness with Sacred Energy, I Am.
Affirmation: I breathe, quiet, pray, love and commune, and I become One
with All-That-Is.
And so it is.
Unexpected Spiritual Growth
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
In one of my daily readings last week, I read three different paragraphs that intimated that I could only grow spiritually by attending regular services at a religious center, by meditating on a very consistent basis and by pursuing learning and personal growth from published materials by “experts.” The writings implied that without these frequent prioritized sacred practices, my spiritual growth would be fitful and spotty at best.
Well, I’m not sure about all of t…
Breathe Life
by Rev. Stacey Piedrahita
A brand new life
A heart open to love
A mind clear of chatter
A connection to above
A soul set on discovery, wisdom, and adventure
A curious mind, grounded and centered
Walking in faith with unwavering belief
Fear is a liar, the Devil a thief
They will steal your joy
They will steal your peace
Enough already I am turning a new leaf
A fallen Angel I used to be
Dancing with the Devil was my reality
Listening to all the lies he was telling me
Trying to get me to stop believing in…
by Rev. Stacey Piedrahita
Brown little curls
Eyes green with a little blue
A mischievous smile upon your face
I think you are two
Throwing sand at the seagulls
The joy upon your face
Fearless, not a care in the world
Can we stay forever in this place
The waves are so loud crashing into the surf
The ocean doesn't scare you in your sparkly bathing suit
The tide pools hold you until you can swim a little stronger
What I wouldn't give to go back in time and hold you five minutes longer
To inhale the esse…
La Maleta/The Suitcase
by Rev. Blanca Ibenia Aguilar
La Maleta
La maleta que cargamos es la combinación y el resultado de lo vivido, de lo aprendido viviendo con mamá, papá, herman@s, ti@s, prim@s, abuel@s, maestr@s, parejas, libros leídos, líderes religiosos, dogma, etc y que to-do junto se volvió nuestra personalidad.
Conociendo ESO nos atrevemos a decir y sentir:
"Abro y echo una mirada a lo que hay adentro de la maleta, confiada, sin saber verdaderamente qué es... dejo ir lo que ya no me sirve porque ya …
The Goodness of Infinite Source Energy
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
After a few deep breaths, I relax into the silver, golden, deep white light of Infinite Creation. I know beyond any doubt that I am blessed with unconditional Love, dynamic health, divine guidance and limitless prosperity. These perfect gifts are available at every moment to me, to my loved ones, and to all the peoples of the world.
Affirmation: There are no limitations to the goodness of Infinite Source Energy. I now prepare to receive all the spiritual and physic…
Dying To Be Free
by Rev. Stacey Piedrahita
All I ever wanted was just to be me, to be loved for who I am, not for who I used to be
How are you supposed to know who you are when the past won't set you free?
I'm afraid to look in the mirror
What if all I see is shame, depression, and sorrow
Stop saying that Stace. You are no longer a prisoner of your own war
You are safe
You are loved
You are divinely adored
Be courageous
Be brave
There is no more to fear
That's what I kept hearing
Why can't I believe the roar?
I …