2024 National Conference

The 2024 National Conference team members are excited to be creating a beautiful inspirational celebration of the Alliance of Divine Love.
The theme for our conference is “Activate the Divinity Within”. It was chosen to remind us that the Love of God is within us and we get to activate the ALL that is in our hearts. We have accessed the writings of Rev Dr Barbara Selwa in the DaySpring article to remind us ministers of the 5 aspects of our ministry:
- Spiritual Communications
- Healing Energies
- Psychic/Intuitive Gifts
- Social Movement
- Plant & Animal Connections
We are encouraging our ministers to share their knowledge and inner wisdom regarding these powerful aspects so we may all grow to our next level. Please sign up as a presenter on our website if you feel inspired to do so.
The conference will be held in beautiful Jacksonville, FL, at the Crowne Plaza by the Airport. The meet and greet will be on 9/12 at 6:00 PM, with the official conference starting on Friday, 9/13 at 9:00 AM and will end on Sunday, 9/15 around noon after our closing ceremony.
We are in the planning stages for social activities for Friday and Saturday nights. Our focus will be on having fun and connection! Stay tuned by visiting the website and social media for more information.
We will have vendors, healers and practitioners offering their services and products. Sign ups are on our website! https://www.allianceofdivinelove.org/annual-adl-conference
The early bird fee for the conference is $325. On June 1st it will be $350. This includes the full conference and meals. Crowne Plaza room rate is $124 plus tax per night.
Come join us!!
Can someone tell me what kind of tables and chairs are available for the readers? Also, how far is the healing garden area from the conference rooms? Thanks.
The tables are 6' long with 2 chairs per table. They will have a tablecloth on the tables. I do not have more specific information at this time.
Our conference will have the entire conference center of the hotel for our presentation, vendors/readers, healing garden and dining room. These rooms will be relatively close to each other, although I have not seen a blueprint of the space yet.
Please let me know if you have a specific requests or concerns.
Looking forward to seeing you in September!
Love, Liliana
The theme about the 5 aspects of our ministry sounds intriguing. Looking forward to seeing who our Presenters will be and what they have to share!
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