The Peace of My Soul

by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I clear my mind of the noises around me, and I calm the anxiety that sometimes besets my thoughts.
I clear the worry that often attacks my emotions and I release the naked feelings of losing control.
I clear my heart of the fast and staccato rhythm produced by my fear and uncertainty.
I clear my voice of the harsh raspiness that comes from the difficulty of speaking my truth.
I clear my ears of outside influences that perpetuate sadness, despair or hopelessness.
I clear my spirit of the perceived absence of a Divine Source and an all powerful Infinite Energy, and I reach for my faith in the existence of a benevolent universe.
When I clear myself as completely as I can, I make room for the strength that I need to reach for the peace of my soul.
Affirmation: I now clear myself of thoughts, emotions, doubts, and fears that interfere with the peace of my soul.
I now allow, acknowledge, accept and affirm that these things are so.
As a regular contributor to "The Rose", Rev. Rita's column "Sacred Thoughts" will feature her blog posts. She is a psychic psychometrist available for readings in person or by phone.
Feel free to contact her for details by email at or by phone or text at 352-284-8609
Thank you Reverend Rita. I just read your words out loud,, twice. And what a powerful declaration you share. I am so grateful that you are who you are, just as you are. Much
Could I speak a few of these affirmations out loud while clearing others with selenite wand?
Powerful and, as always, right on time for personal growth and upliftment. In a time of social turmoil what we can do for the Greatest Good of All is to be clear of everything that lowers the frequency, and to beONLY IN LOVE. ♥️ Thank you dear Rita.
Wow. This took me from my head right into my heart. Thank you for the spiritual guidance that you share so eloquently. I am printing this out to focus on before my meditations. You are a blessing to us all, Rita!
This is an inspiring and helpful devotion. Thank you ❤️🌹
What a beautiful piece of art!! Wow! You are a beautiful writer!
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