Loving, Affirming and Releasing for World Peace

by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
In my recent spiritual studies, I read an article about world peace. While I myself have written about one person making a difference in the world, this particular writing, on this particular day, struck me like a "Mission Impossible." For whatever reason, I found the idea false, and even annoying. At the time I was shocked by my response to the writing, thinking that I must be having some kind of spiritual meltdown.
After some time had passed, I remembered a situation when my then husband and I changed the course of our lives by loving, affirming and releasing. As an active-duty military couple, our duty station assignments were coordinated by another military member called a "detailer." At that time, my husband and I were requesting a duty station in Spain where we could serve together. The detailer was adamant and even rude in his refusal of our petitions and told my husband many times that he was going to be assigned to three years aboard an aircraft carrier.
Having learned about the power of Love and affirmations in the Unity church, we started a 30-day period of praying and affirming for the detailer. We began by focusing on the fact that he was just a man like any other, thinking of him as someone with needs of his own: good health, loving relationships, spiritual growth, abundance and job satisfaction -- everything we wanted for ourselves. We affirmed daily, with real love and sincerity in our hearts, all of the highest good for him, especially a better job. We then released the situation to our higher power, having faith that the best outcomes would manifest, no matter what.
Before the 30 days were up, the detailer was actually promoted and transferred. When we repeated our request for orders to Spain to the new detailer, he immediately responded, "Sure, when do you want to go?" (True story, down to the exact quote!)
It was this small piece of my history that caused me to remember that with sincere love, the highest affirmations, and complete release of the outcomes, many situations (if not all) can change dramatically. In my personal story here, the circumstances are pretty straightforward. What may be more difficult, however, is loving, affirming and releasing the outcomes of situations involving world peace.
How do we love people who take actions to destroy their own countries, or our Mother Earth? How do we pray affirmatively for the leaders invading and occupying other bordered territories? How do we release the outcomes of situations involving terrorism and war? It's almost impossible to forgive, much less love, in circumstances like these.
What helps me personally the most is to remember who I truly Am and to affirm for myself first. I can't accomplish a loving transformation with my human limitations. It's just too hard. Instead, I must remember that I am One with the immeasurably powerful, constantly creating, ultimately incomparable Infinite Source Energy. There are no limits here, as Source Energy is without space or time, without beginning or end. When I remember my Oneness with Source, I feel my power, not only to create, but to love unconditionally in all circumstances. For me this takes patience, some understanding of my higher self and meditation for connection to the Oneness. I use my energy and power to love someone or something that I would humanly find repulsive or unacceptable. I then take my the incomprehensible strength of my Oneness With Source to sincerely affirm the highest and best for for all people involved. The profound positivity, born in the affirmations of my perfect consciousness, ripples outward, carrying Love, kindness and peace throughout this world and even to the unknown.
The hardest part of our formula for participating in the creation of world peace may be releasing the outcomes of our efforts to the infinite wisdom of All-That-Is. For this we need to understand and accept that in our human consciousness we can't always know what is best for others, or even for ourselves. Releasing the desires for what we want to see manifested means turning over all expectations and control to the Divine Order that may not function in the way or in the timeframe that we hope for.
Having said all this, we cannot give up our individual and collective prayers for world peace, no matter how we say them.
Affirmation: I now give Love, sincere affirmations and faith-filled release to everyone, creating world peace. I contribute to this vision of the world regularly, "letting peace begin with me."
I now allow, acknowledge, accept and affirm that this is so.
As a regular contributor to "The Rose", Rev. Rita's column "Sacred Thoughts" will feature her blog posts. She is a psychic psychometrist available for readings in person or by phone.
Feel free to contact her for details by email at revritascheibeck@gmail.com or by phone or text at 352-284-8609
Loved this, Rita. One of my friends in the UK likes to say "I request the most benevolent outcome for this situation." And with so much going on in so many places and throughout the creation, I have begun sending the love and healing vibration into the earth's mental and emotional matrix. How can I choose just one? Many blessings to you for this holiday season.
Thank you Rev Rita for such a timely, heartfelt, and beautifully written message! Is there a way I can get a written hard copy of this? Thanks...⚘️
Let there be PEACE on Earth and let it begin with me.
Rev Kelley Smith
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