Practicing Principled Love
by Rev. Jayne Jarvis
Since I was a child I used to walk to some fields near our home in NJ, lie down and contemplate Life. What was it? Where do we come from? Where do we go when we die?
As I grew, gradually it dawned on me that Love was the key. Love for life, myself and my fellowman. Not always easy tasks! My concept refined as I matured and realized what was required of me. I learned that reformative Love is not always a walk in the park or loving those who love you. But rather it requires sometimes being the odd ball out!
One day while in stopped traffic at a busy intersection for a long time, I found myself very bothered by some loud raucus music coming from the vehicle next to mine. Since it was hot and my AC did not work I found it necessary to listen to this sound coming from the other vehicle. It came to me to turn my classical music up to a point where I could barely stand it. Then I turned gently to look directly at the driver and passengers in the other car! They looked at me. I smiled. Then they turned their sounds way down. I did the same! I chatted briefly saying that I appreciated very much their turning down the music! They smiled again as did I. Just then the traffic began to move. I don't think any of us will forget that moment!
No anger. Living love.
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