Teaching Spiritual Healers How to Mentor Humans and Getting Paid for Our Services

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by Rev. Vickie Spray 

When I opened my spiritual counseling practice over ten years ago, I was terrified. There were days that I could not even get out of bed. There were also days that I listened to spiritual books, watched spiritual TV, and just continued my dig of self-healing while I saw just enough clients to keep my office rent paid and as I barely worked enough hours at a part time job to pay my half of the mortgage.  I was fifty years old and here I was in completely new territory. The few clients I had were being served by what I’d learned on my own spiritual journey, my ADL ministerial ordination and by the seat of my spiritual pants. I was always amazed that any of them made another appointment.     

I clung desperately to the fact that to have even discovered ADL was Divine intervention, and I just kept putting one spiritual scaredy cat foot in front of the other. I learned how to depend on Source wisdom and combined the information I had gained in my studies with my own healing process. I learned how to read the energy of my clients and interpret that energy so that the unknown could become known, and the weaknesses could become strengths. But mostly, I fell in love with humans who had heard a call from within and sought out a helper whose title was “Spiritual Counselor.” They felt that love and they kept coming back to clear away the wound of unworthiness and lack of awareness about their true identity. My clientele grew, my reputation grew, and I stopped worrying if I could make a living as a Spiritual Counselor.

And now I’ve begun to teach people how to do what I do as a Spiritual Counselor. And it is perfect timing because the healing that is occurring and will occur in humanity will have to come from a spiritual approach. Traditional and materialistic methods to healing, clearly, are not working.  We are wired to heal but we avoid the deep dive into lasting healing and end up with more debt and less self-love than what we began with in many instances. The spiritual approach gets us to the place of our authentic identities, and once that is regained, no one can ever take that from us ever again.  

As ADL ministers, we are prime candidates for the huge shift in consciousness that is happening in the world of humans right now. We are needed, as we have answered the call to be ordained by a spiritual organization which got us all in the door and into a room where our burgeoning spiritual talents can be honed and applied. We have been set up for success as Spiritual Counselor, Spiritual Mentor, Spiritual Life Coaches or other types of spiritual assistance that can be of service to humans and provide an income in a world in desperate need of our spiritual paths. We have to find the courage to open up our practice if there has been a faint or loud call from within to do so. The courage is there within us waiting for our reclamation.

We do not have to be healed completely to do this work! That is a huge lie of the wounded mind that I keep witnessing in spiritual communities. We become who we came here to become on our way to becoming who we came here to become. All healers must continue to heal and no matter how many certifications, degrees, and healing modalities we study, none of it can take the place of our own deep healing. Once I realized that, my practice flourished as I got out of my own way. Also, healing deep beliefs rooted in poverty mentality open us up for being a spiritual practitioner that thrives in this lifetime as we assist our clients to be freed from their wounded beliefs.

My clients gladly pay to be assisted in being shown back to themselves with Source wisdom and unconditional love. We, as spiritual mentors, become even more surrendered to the kind of love that emancipates us all as we discover the truth of who we are as we accept the energy of money from our clients. It is fair and it is right to be given payment for our time and energy. What we have to offer is crucial to the evolution of humanity and the more of us who are able to say yes to this calling, the kinder our world will become.


Vickie Spray is a Spiritual Counselor who teaches healers how to mentor humans. She is creating an online healer community and she teaches online courses on how to spiritually mentor humans ready to be free.





Rita Scheibeck

Wonderful article, Rev Vickie. 

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Rev. Dr. Autymn Renee Allen

Vickie, so well said. The promise of every ADL minister is healing the self as we assist in the healing of our brothers and sisters. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Love and Light.

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a a

Thanks for sharing, Vickie. I too had to step out of my financial fears so that I could manifest my dream... to be gainfully employed while offering my service to humanity. By not having to spend an enormous amount of time and energy in a "9-5" job, I have been blessed for years to have the time and energy to funnel into my true passion, to help others to consciously awaken and empower themselves. Along the way, I met soooo many people who put themselves into poverty because they wrestled with guilt about charging clients for "spiritual" services. But what in the universe is not "spiritual" when we all have roots in Spirit?  On a side note, life for me got even sweeter when I started attending the ADL conferences and meeting so many lovely like-minded earth angels. ;-)

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