Luxurious Feelings
Luxurious Feelings
I breathe in deeply and exhale several times, preparing for my time in the silence.
I take time today for a full meditation and I allow myself the most luxurious feelings of my Oneness with Divine Source Energy.
(I take several deep, relaxing breaths.)
I first become conscious of my absolute connection to the Divine, to the awareness that I am not alone, ever, but always One with Source.
(I take several slow breaths.)
As I allow myself these deep feelings, I begin to focus on the many aspects of my Oneness with All-That-Is. I become aware of the strength and power that I carry within me in all circumstances, the power and authority of Infinite Source that constantly and dynamically wash over me, especially in meditation. I Am strength, and I pause to feel my oneness with it.
(I take a few slow breaths.)
I then take a moment to connect to my imagination and creativity that are an ever-expanding part of my Oneness with life. I know that even as Divine Source Energy is always creating, I too am creating my life, my reality and my world at all times. I Am Creation, and I pause to become one with it.
(I take a few more deep breaths.)
I now take special time to embrace my most precious connection with Divine Source Energy: Love. In this time of meditation. I feel loved and cherished as I never have before. My consciousness of this Love is so intimate and intense that it can bring tears to my eyes. I feel so much Love that it pours out of me to every living being, especially to my own human self. What a jubilant sense of fullness in my heart! I Am Love and I pause to let it flow through me.
As I bring my meditation to a close with one last deep breath, I remind myself to tap into these luxurious awarenesses throughout my day.
Affirmation: I acknowledge my Oneness with Source, knowing that it bonds me with strength, creativity, and Love.
I now allow, acknowledge, accept, and affirm that this is so.
As a regular contributor to "The Rose", Rev. Rita's column "Sacred Thoughts" will feature her blog posts. She is a psychic psychometrist available for readings in person or by phone.
Feel free to contact her for details by email at or by phone or text at 352-284-8609
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