The Serenity Pause

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by Rev. Rita Scheibeck

Today I saw the sweetest affirmation in one of my daily meditations from the "Daily Word" published by Unity.(see The sentence was "Peace and calm are mine as I take a serenity pause." The idea of a "serenity pause" tickled me and made me think I should take one frequently. I mean, when you think about it, how many times a day do we need one of those?

After all, there are countless cars on the road that come with hair trigger brakes, no turn signals, and oblivious drivers, that it's scary. There are so many rules, regulations, and people in our lives that try to exert control over us, it's not even funny. And in spite of our best laid plans, there are many situations out of our control, along with circumstances we didn't foresee. With all this and more going on, I can't think of a better tactic to counteract the frantic energy around me than to take a "serenity pause."

The first thing that comes to mind for this timely and helpful action is a couple of deep breaths. One or two would be great, three even better, if that's all the time I can spare.

The second thing I think of is a quick, positive affirmation of Divine Order. This leads me to change my thoughts to the spiritual Truth instead of what appears to be happening in the physical plane.

And for me, the most important part of a "serenity pause" is the action of love. If I can feel Love for the people and circumstances creating my earth-bound perceptions, I can rise up into my best Spiritual Self and immediately change the effect the situation has on me, and even on others involved.

I tried this "serenity pause" several times, first with just the deep breaths, then with the breathing and the positive affirmation, and finally with the breath, the affirmation, and the application of Love. It's amazing, but with just a little practice, I was able to process all three of these actions in a very short period of time. What a great way to spiritually tune in and release stress quickly and efficiently. I hope you'll start practicing the "serenity pause" with me, too!

Affirmation: Divine Order is now at work in all the universe and in every circumstance of my life.

I now allow, acknowledge, accept and affirm that this is so.

1 comment

Rev. Dr. Wanda L Beebe

Dear Rev. Rita, 

Thank you for making me take the time to take a deep breath today.  How often I forget and how I love to be reminded.

Thank you!

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