Exasperating Meditations

by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
As I close my eyes and... think, think, think... take a deep, cleansing breath... bother, bother, bother...I begin my journey to Divine... worry, worry, worry. Well hell! Yep, I had a meditation like that today and it wasn't pretty. Does that ever happen to you?
Sometimes it seems that the more I try to focus on meditating, the more distracted I become. It's no surprise really. Most of us lead very busy lives, with responsibilities for ourselves and others, with stress from situations in our immediate surroundings, and with outside influences that we can't control. No wonder some of our best attempts at deep meditations get derailed.
It seems, though, that when my head is full of thoughts, bothers and worries, my deliverance is to focus less, not more. When I can't seem to get where I want to go in my meditations, what usually helps me most is to stop trying so hard. While it's true that meditation can be a tool for spiritual growth, and a method of feeling closer to Infinite Source Energy, we also benefit tremendously just by knowing that Source is always close to us. It is, in fact, the Oneness that IS us. We are bound to it at every moment, whether we're meditating or not. So when my brain won't leave me alone long enough to move into the chakras, to release the stress in every single muscle, or to take myself to the spiritual destinations I desire, I can simply KNOW that I am already and always One with Divine Source Energy.
The other saving grace of my meditations is my breathing. I have to breathe anyway, so why not pay attention to my slower, deeper inhales, and to my fuller, more thorough exhales. Focusing on my breathing also helps block out the brain chatter that annoys me so much.
So when my best efforts for the perfect meditations are getting me nowhere, all I need to remember is to Be and to Breathe.
Affirmation: I am One with Divine Source Energy, now and always. I breathe and I remember my unique connection to the Oneness-With-All.
I now allow, acknowledge, accept, and affirm that this is so.
Sometimes it seems that the more I try to focus on meditating, the more distracted I become. It's no surprise really. Most of us lead very busy lives, with responsibilities for ourselves and others, with stress from situations in our immediate surroundings, and with outside influences that we can't control. No wonder some of our best attempts at deep meditations get derailed.
It seems, though, that when my head is full of thoughts, bothers and worries, my deliverance is to focus less, not more. When I can't seem to get where I want to go in my meditations, what usually helps me most is to stop trying so hard. While it's true that meditation can be a tool for spiritual growth, and a method of feeling closer to Infinite Source Energy, we also benefit tremendously just by knowing that Source is always close to us. It is, in fact, the Oneness that IS us. We are bound to it at every moment, whether we're meditating or not. So when my brain won't leave me alone long enough to move into the chakras, to release the stress in every single muscle, or to take myself to the spiritual destinations I desire, I can simply KNOW that I am already and always One with Divine Source Energy.
The other saving grace of my meditations is my breathing. I have to breathe anyway, so why not pay attention to my slower, deeper inhales, and to my fuller, more thorough exhales. Focusing on my breathing also helps block out the brain chatter that annoys me so much.
So when my best efforts for the perfect meditations are getting me nowhere, all I need to remember is to Be and to Breathe.
Affirmation: I am One with Divine Source Energy, now and always. I breathe and I remember my unique connection to the Oneness-With-All.
I now allow, acknowledge, accept, and affirm that this is so.
Rita, I just Love how you express your feelings. It is difficult sometimes to free our mind of all the chaos in our world. I find putting my hand over my heart gets me out of my head and into my heart place. I also find that rolling all that stuff into a ball and tossing it helps. Rev. Dr. Selwa has reminded us at so many conferences. I find it works in most cases. If it is a conflict with another person send them Love. The conflict may continue in their head but you just released the stress of it. I sure hope someone tries my suggestions and it works for them.
Hi, Peg. Thanks for the compliment and I want to return it. Won't you put your suggestions into a series of writings for the newsletter. I love them and I'm sure your ideas would help me and others. Anyway, something to think about!
Loved this message
Thanks, Summer.
So lovely Rev Rita...we all fall to "monkey mind" from time to time. My HeartMath training is very helpful in bringing Heart and Mind into coherence which is a very calming state. I hope we will see you as a Reader again at our November 12th Divine Love Healing Fair for Mind, Body and Spirit in West Palm Beach.
Hi, Lindsay, how are you. I signed up as a reader today. I'm so excited! Vickie Spray and I are driving down together. We don't know where we're staying, but I'm sure we'll find a place before then. We'll be working on it this week. I'll see you there!!
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