Another New Angel: Rev. Linda (Lee) Brown

Rev. Linda (Lee) Brown made her transition to the realm of Angels this week on Monday, September 12, 2022. She was my Mentor and a great friend, and she will be missed. Please say a prayer for her journey.
Rev. Toni McCord
Rev. Toni McCord
Prayers and blessings for her journey now and for those who miss her presence in the world.
Very sorry Much Love dear ones
My thoughts and prayers go out to Rev. Linda Brown's family at this passing of their loved one. Blessings to her on her new journey
Lee will be missed. A dear soul, she was, and I hear the angels rejoicing to receive her. And blessings to you, dear Toni. I know how much you meant to one another. Much Love.
Prayers and Blessings to a dearly loved Mentor.
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