My Transformation Into Oneness

by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
The chatter that sometimes fills my mind is like a small patch of leaves that is easily blown away by a gentle summer breeze. When I focus on my breathing, I let outside disturbances float in and out of my consciousness: the neighbor's lawnmower, the gurgling of the ice maker, the delivery truck in the street.
As I allow the leaves of distraction to drift away, I make room in my awareness for the knowledge that I am One with All-That-Is. My realization of Oneness deepens; I feel the all encompassing warmth and comfort of the Divine, and I smile. I cannot help but be happy that I am worthy, accepted, and One with the powerfully creative force that is Infinite Source Energy. When I allow these emotions into my heart, I am sometimes moved to joyful tears at the fullness of my surety in Source.
My full heart and happiness set the tone for the rest of the day before me. I am joyful, loving, and grateful for the transforming peace of my experience in the presence of the Divine.
Affirmation: I allow the power and the presence of Infinite Source Energy into my consciousness, transforming my day and my life.
I now allow, acknowledge, accept and affirm that these things are so.
Beautiful article!!!
Very nice, thank you!
Thank you so much Therese.
Thank you, Wanda.
Always such uplifting messages from you Rev Rita. Thank you. ONE LOVE!
I so enjoy writing and I'm grateful that you like the results. Thanks Lindsay!
Thanks and this needs to be read everyday.
I know, Sarajane! I need to read it every day, too. My neighbor's lawnmower gets really loud! LOL
Really love this Wake Up & Centering much!!! Big Love!
Hi, Lynda! Thank you.
Beautiful sentiment and words, Rita. Beautiful You.
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