Star Encounters - January 2022

By Rev. Joy “ Aphrodette” Gambon, ADL
Happy Birthday, Capricorn!
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540.400.0110 / 540.613.1070
This NEW MOON occurs on January 2, 2022, at 01:33:20 PM EST! The Lights are kissing in Capricorn and form a double trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Both Retrograde Venus and Pluto in Capricorn form a double sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces tees off with the Dragon on the Gemini/Sagittarian polarity point! All that you have learned and taught seeks to manifest in your World and begins to unfold. There is wiggle room here for ideas and imagination as you share your vision with others. Love it!
This FULL MOON occurs on January 17, 2022, at 06:48:16 PM EST. The Full Moon is on the Cancer/Leo cusp and opposes both the Sun on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp and Pluto in Capricorn. It companions with the Dragon in an encouraging manner. Retrograde Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn are in square to Retrograde Uranus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces is in square to Mars in Sagittarius! What a mixed bag!!! Innovative ideas will be scrutinized against the old model. Delays are apt to surface as the wheels of government and corporations turn slowly. Progress is made of both science and art! Work with creative, progressive, and grounded persons if possible. Group efforts prove to be fascinating and can bear fruit in the season to come.
BLACK NEW MOON Phenomenon Coming Up!
The next New Moon occurs on February 1, 2022, at 12:45:51 AM. Because Lunations are time-sensitive it is not a Black Moon on the Eastern Seaboard, but time zones West see it as occurring before Midnight on January 31, 2022. A Black Moon occurs when there are two New Moons in a calendar month, making this a qualifier for distinct parts of the United States. This chart reveals the Lights kissing in Aquarius, conjunct, Saturn, and they form a triple square to Uranus, nor direct, in Taurus! The Nodes or the Dragon has moved to a Scorpio/Taurus polarity point and complement retrograde Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn! History is a stellar teacher at this time. Having a Plan A and a Plan B with electronic or mechanical devices is wise. Security on many levels will be redefined. Pay attention!
Mercury Stations Retrograde in Aquarius!
Mercury stations retrograde on January 14, 2022, EST at 08:41 AM, and stations direct so until February 3, 2022, at 11:13 PM EST! It remains in its shadow until February 25, 2022! During this cycle, Mercury revisits Capricorn for a long look before it returns to Aquarius on Valentine’s Day at 04:53 PM EST! WOW! It remains in its shadow until February 25, 2022!
Be VERY CLEAR on what you promise to others and also to yourself! Insist on documentation on all contracts. Have both an electronic and paper trail at this time! Exercise caution on major purchases and get your taxes together. Use a fine-tooth comb in all transactions for best results!
Be clear also on what you declare even in your affirmations. Thank me later!
Venus Stations Direct in Capricorn!
On December 19, 2021, at 05:36 AM EST, Venus stationed retrograde in Capricorn and remains so until January 29, 2022, at 03:46 AM EST! Venus feels a little bit chilly in Capricorn. Love and responsibility do a dance. There is a desire to honor family traditions even if it does not seem as spectacular as you remember. It continues through Capricorn and enters Aquarius on March 6, 2022, at 1:30 AM est the same moment that Mars enters Aquarius!! WOW! Venus and Mars being combust on entrance into that sign is truly a phenomenon! They form a double square to the Moon exalted in Taurus that morning. Possession and independence do a dance! Be ready!
Uranus Stations Direct in Taurus!
On August 19, 2021, at 09:40 PM EDST, Uranus stationed retrograde in Taurus and stations direct on January 18, 2022, at 10:25 Am EST. Uranus is known as “The Great Awakener”. When it stations retrograde look for an epiphany within in order to manifest what you desire. Flashes of realization naturally occur. Launches need to be deliberate and well planned. Unexpected events and erratic patterns often mirror those in history. History is a great teacher. Ponder all you have learned to apply this knowledge as you move forward!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Mars is in Sagittarius, in quincunx to retrograde Uranus in Taurus and in sextile to Saturn in Aquarius! There may be items that you have not yet assembled or programs you have been yet to upload. Some practical elements may keep you a bit delayed. Do what you can. On the Full Moon, Mars is still in Sagittarius and in square to Neptune in Pisces. Time flies and then disappears just now. The missing pieces of the puzzle are elusive. You are either super busy or need to relax or sleep. There is truly little in-between! Punt!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Venus, is retrograde in Capricorn and kissing Pluto, the planet of Transformation and Empowerment. Delays may serve you. Because of your natural persistence, you can amazingly find a better way to accomplish what you desire! On the Full Moon, Venus is in trine to retrograde Uranus in your sign and in square to Chiron in Aries. Expect a déjà vu encounter! Have you been here before? Revisit the archives of your experience. Take diligent care of your health and make it more of a priority. Identify with your diet and activities for best results. Thank me later!
GEMINI May 21 - June 21
On this New Moon, your ruler, Mercury, is in Aquarius and is hugging the Dragon on the Gemini/Sagittarian polarity point! Nice! Progressive thinking, innovation, and adventure are yours for the asking! Baffle them with your brilliance! On the Full Moon, Mercury has stationed Retrograde in Aquarius, kissing Saturn in that sign as they form a double square to retrograde Uranus in Taurus! Recognize what is not working and simply withdraw. Lessons from the past re-surface with a twist. Choose an innovative manner to move slowly forward unscathed! Thank me later!
CANCER June 22 - July 22
On this New Moon, The Lights are kissing in Capricorn and form a double trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Both Retrograde Venus and Pluto in Capricorn form a double sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces tees off with the Dragon on the Gemini/Sagittarian polarity point! All that you have learned and taught seeks to manifest in your World and begins to unfold. There is wiggle room here for ideas and imagination as you share your vision with others. Love it! This Full Moon is on the Cancer/Leo cusp and opposes both the Sun on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp and Pluto in Capricorn. It companions with the Dragon in an encouraging manner. It is part of a Mystic Rectangle. Be secure about engaging your intuition! Innovative ideas will be scrutinized against the old model. Delays are apt to surface as the wheels of government and corporations turn slowly. Progress is made of both science and art! Work with creative, progressive, and grounded persons if possible. Group efforts prove to be fascinating and can bear fruit in the season to come.
LEO JUL 23 - AUG 22
On this New Moon, the Lights are kissing in Capricorn and form a double trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. They also form a double square to Chiron in Aries! Looking for a way to increase your energy and feel stronger and more youthful? Create a strategy that you will love to engage in! Learn from the past and renew! On the Full Moon, The Sun is on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp, conjoining Pluto and they are both in opposition to the Moon on the Cancer/Leo cusp! They are also in double trine to the Head of the Dragon in Gemini! Be versatile, self-expressive, and let yourself out to play! Be as spontaneous in planning your activities as possible. Enjoy!
On the New Moon, your ruler, Mercury, is in Aquarius and is hugging the Dragon on the Gemini/Sagittarian polarity point! It is all about new ideas of how to modify time and choose greater independence! Communicating with others can be quite entertaining for you as well as those who hear your story! Invite! On the Full Moon, Mercury has stationed Retrograde in Aquarius, kissing Saturn in that sign as they form a double square to retrograde Uranus in Taurus! Know the difference between urgency and emergency. Do not take on more than you need to at this time. Strategize instead. Certain projects can wait. Help may be required, and the Capricorn planets will provide it. Pace yourself!
On this New Moon, Venus is retrograde in Capricorn and kissing Pluto, the planet of Transformation and Empowerment. Stick with the traditional and simply tweak it a bit. This is an enjoyable time, to resume or re-engage studies that you have placed aside. Concentration and innovation are in evidence. Go for it! On the Full Moon, Venus is in trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus and in square to Chiron in Aries. Take care of yourself and review your budget to grow in the year ahead. Opportunities can appear after Uranus re-directs its orbit on January 18th. Experience can serve you well! Freedom and foundation can emerge in an amazing way! Stay awake!
On the New Moon, your ruler of event, Mars, is in Sagittarius, in quincunx to retrograde Uranus in Taurus and in sextile to Saturn in Aquarius! Your rule of process, Pluto, is kissing retrograde Venus in Capricorn and forming a double sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Do it your way! Be innovative in both technical and creative projects. Imagination is key to synthesizing the traditional but elaborate! Go for it! On the Full Moon, Mars is still in Sagittarius and in square to Neptune in Pisces. Pluto is kissing the Sun in Capricorn and opposing the Cancer Moon! Time slips away and energy can be up and down right now. Others are able to help or work in cooperation with you in both contracts and creative projects. Engage a sense of humor and philosophy for best results! Thank me later!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Jupiter, is in Pisces and squaring of with the Dragon! Balance is key and embracing the spirit of cooperation and negotiation can be fabulous! Be fast on your feet to respond to opportunities that come in out of the blue! Establish your position with sincerity and an inner spirit of victory and you will prosper! GO! On the Full Moon, it is much the same as the Dragon takes its time to bring things to fruition. I if you have a few balls in the air or more than one iron in the fire, you are handling this very well!!! Be available, accommodating but gently firm to get to the ultimate in what you are seeking to establish! Thank me later!
Many Happy Solar Returns! Celebrate! This is your month! On this New Moon, your ruler, Saturn, is in Aquarius and is in square to Retrograde Uranus in Taurus but also forms a sweet sextile to Mars in Sagittarius. If an opportunity sounds too good to be true. Wait. Be open to opportunities that give you more opportunities in self-expression and establishing something new or a better version. On the Full Moon, Saturn is still in Aquarius but traveling close to Mercury that has stationed Retrograde as they oppose Retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Opportunities or associates from the past are bound to re-surface! Take a long took into this! Thank me later!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Uranus, is retrograde in Taurus, in square to Saturn in your sign, and forms double trines to the Lights in Capricorn!! AMAZING!! Are you ready to ‘WOW” them? Establish the unique and run with the ball! Let the media be your best friend and reach out to others that pursue their goals as you do! GO! On the Full Moon, expect the unexpected. Uranus is still retrograde in Taurus and is in square to Saturn and retrograde Mercury in your sign! It is also in trine to retrograde Venus in Capricorn which is a blessing. Electronic and mechanical devices may be challenging. Have a Plan A and a Plan B. Those with Venus prominent in their charts in your environment can be extremely valuable. Listen to the responsible and artistic for best results. Thank me later!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Neptune is in your sign and forms a double sweet sextile to Pluto and retrograde Venus in Capricorn! Preserve what and whom you treasure. Reconnect. Take a walk down memory lane. Bask in the glow of the faith that has accompanied you on your journey. Enjoy. On the Full Moon, Neptune is simply in square to Mars in Sagittarius. Do you desire more freedom or more privacy? Travel can be challenging, and you can have bursts of energy but then need a long nap! Allow yourself to go with the flow and do not apologize. Escaping into a delightful book or movie can be marvelous. If you are creative in cooking, it can be your Zen at this time. Listen to the prompting of your Spirit! Bask!
We kindly invite your comments below. Rev. Joy "Aphrodette" Gambon can also be reached directly through her website,
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