Star Encounters - August 2021

By Rev. Joy "Aphrodette" Gambon, ADL
Happy Birthday Leo!
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540.400.0110 / 540.613.1070
This NEW MOON reveals the Lights kissing in Leo and in the company of Mercury! The Lights are in trine to retrograde Chiron in Aries and in square to Uranus in Taurus! The focus in on the personal rather than the collective. Refresh your” I AM” and follow your heart! Expand your attitude of gratitude! Send healing love and Light to those who may be experiencing crisis both near and far! Be generous in your Spirit!
This FULL MOON is at the Anaretic degree in the Aquarian/Pisces Cusp and opposes the Sun at the Anaretic degree on the Leo/Virgo Cusp! They form no major aspects to the traditional planets in this Lunation chart! However, a kite formation forms with other celestial bodies! NICE! Creativity and manifestation choose to balance with higher mind and tradition! Take the time to investigate your toolbox on the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and creative levels! Thank me later!
Jupiter Retrograding in Pisces Back into Aquarius!
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and abundance, briefly entered Pisces on May 13, 2021 at 06:36 PM EDST. It is also the planet of overindulgence and too much of a good thing! It stationed retrograde on June 21, 2021 and returns to Aquarius on July 29, 2021. It will then be in Aquarius until December 30th of this year and enters Pisces for the year ahead. This is the year to marry Higher Mind to Divine Inspiration! Stroll through this as blessings are on the way!
Saturn in Aquarius Stationed Retrograde!
Saturn stationed retrograde in Aquarius on May 23, 2021 at 05:19AM EDST and will remain so until October 10, 2021 at 10:17PM EST! This cycle allows us to balance our past and future, our inner and outer, our established with whay we envision. Take time to look at the bigger picture in your life and also how your priorities and values can serve others and noble causes.
Neptune Stationed Retrograde In Pisces!
On June 25, 2021 Neptune stationed retrograde in Pisces at 3:21 PM EDST and will remain so until December, 1, 2021 at 8:22 AM EST! It is the perfect time to remember what has inspired you and also discern patterns of disillusionment on your current life journey. Styles of music and art from the past can return and
appreciation for those items, architectures, and philosophies that are bathed in antiquity. Be your own muse – at least for now!
Uranus Stations Retrograde in Taurus!
On August 19, 2021 at 09:40PM EDST, Uranus will station retrograde in Taurus and will remain so until January 18, 2022 at 10:25Am EST. Uranus is known as “The Great Awakener”. When it stations retrograde look for an epiphany within in order to manifest what you desire. Flashes of realization naturally occur. Launches need to be deliberate and well planned. Unexpected events and erratic patterns often mirror those in history. History is a great teacher. Ponder all you have learned to apply this knowledge as you move forward!
Pluto in Capricorn Stationed Retrograde!
Pluto stationed retrograde in Capricorn on April 27, 2021 and will remain so until October 6, 2021. Pluto is the planet of life, death re-birthing and transformations of all types. As it retrogrades each year for a few months, it allows us to employ history as our teacher. Often times in history, that which is nearly forgotten, reveal themselves anew.
Scholars can be intensely busy in this cycle. Do diligent research on fulfilling your deepest needs and desires. Take time to also take a look at the bigger picture of your community, country, the Earth, and the cosmic messages that come through! Take time to ponder!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Mars, is in Virgo and in mutable T-square to the Dragon! The old saying, “What goes around, comes around!” comes to mind! Poetic justice may occur within you and around you! Br present in your dealings with others. On the Full Moon, Mars is still in Virgo and conjunct Mercury! They form a double trine to Uranus, now retrograde, in Taurus. Any projects you thought to be too complicated, may just turn out to be easier than you thought if you do the homework! Productivity is enhanced! DO what you can and expect amazing results! Buildup, rather than tear down. Honor your foundation!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Venus, is in Virgo, opposing retrograde Neptune in Pisces and in trine to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. This is an excellent time to reorganize all your treasures of days gone by. Reviewing chapters of your life can be so empowering! Enjoy! On the Full Moon, Venus has moved on into Libra, the sign of balance and harmony! It is part of a kite formation in the Heavens! WOW! Hare your adventures and thoughts with others. Be the teacher as well as the student in this cycle for best results! Redecorate your soul and your abode! Enjoy!
GEMINI May 21 - June 21
On this New Moon, your ruler, Mercury is in Leo and conjunct the Lights! It is in Yod formation with retrograde Neptune in Pisces and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn! Let your hearts shine! Slow progress with projects can prove frustrating. Put your energy into those persons and activities you totally enjoy! On the Full Moon, Mercury, has moved into Virgo, is conjunct Mars as they both oppose retrograde Neptune in Pisces and are in trine to Uranus, now retrograde in Taurus! Have the courage to dream a bigger dream, knowing it will take a little time! Issues about lifestyle and location may be nebulous! Use your intuition, above all!!
CANCER June 22 - July 22
On this New Moon, the Lights are kissing Leo and in the company of Mercury! The Lights are in trine to retrograde Chiron in Aries and in square to Uranus in Taurus! The focus in on the personal rather than the collective. Refresh your” I AM” and follow your heart! Expand your attitude of gratitude! Send healing love and Light to those who may be experiencing crisis both near and far! Be generous in your Spirit! This Full Moon is at the Anaretic degree in the Aquarian/Pisces Cusp and opposes the Sun at the Anaretic degree on the Leo/Virgo Cusp! They form no major aspects to the traditional planets in this Lunation chart! However, a kite formation forms with other celestial bodies! NICE! Creativity and manifestation choose to balance with higher mind and tradition! Take the time to investigate your toolbox on the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and creative levels! Thank me later!
LEO JUL 23 - AUG 22
Many Happy Solar Returns! This is your month! This New Moon reveals the Lights kissing in your sign and in the company of Mercury! The Lights are in trine to retrograde Chiron in Aries and in square to Uranus in Taurus! The focus is on the personal rather than the collective. Refresh your” I AM” and follow your heart! Expand your attitude of gratitude! Send healing love and Light to those who may be experiencing crisis both near and far! Be generous in your Spirit! This Full Moon is at the Anaretic degree in the Aquarian/Pisces Cusp and opposes the Sun, your ruler, at the Anaretic degree on the Leo/Virgo Cusp! They form no major aspects to the traditional planets in this Lunation chart! However, a kite formation forms with other celestial bodies! NICE! Creativity and manifestation choose to balance with higher mind and tradition! Take the time to investigate your toolbox on the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and creative levels!
On the New Moon, your ruler, Mercury, is in Leo and conjunct the Lights! It is in Yod formation with retrograde Neptune in Pisces and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn! You may find yourself daydreaming at this time and may wish to share your reminiscing with others! They may remember things a bit differently, but the sharing can be quite an illumination! Enjoy the exchange! This Full Moon is at the Anaretic degree in the Aquarian/Pisces Cusp and opposes the Sun at the Anaretic degree on the Leo/Virgo Cusp! They form no major aspects to the traditional planets in this Lunation chart! However, both Mars and Mercury are in your sign! Mental focus is amazing! Be entertaining and choose to fill others in on important details! Your observational skills are astounding! Enjoy!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Venus, is in Virgo, opposing retrograde Neptune in Pisces and in trine to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. If you are teaching or training others this is an outstanding time to get their attention and capture their imagination! Go for it! On the Full Moon, Venus has moved on into your sign! It is part of a kite formation in the Heavens! WOW! Promotions can bear great fruit at this time! Be the buzz you want to hear later! New technology may catch your eye. Look into it for the future and do your research! Local community and even those at a distance will be following you! Just be your gracious self!
On the New Moon, Mars, your planet of event, Mars, is in Virgo and in mutable T-square to the Dragon! The old saying, “What goes around, comes around!” comes to mind! Watch your back as you move forward! Keep your psychic ears tuned up! Your planet of process, Pluto, is retrograde in Capricorn and in trine to Venus in Virgo and forms a sweet sextile to retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Cooperation with others regarding long term projects or expansion can prove to be a marvelous investment for you! On the Full Moon, Mars is still in Virgo and conjunct Mercury! They form a double trine to Uranus, now retrograde, in Taurus. Your career may feel a bit redundant just now, but you can still tweak your professional expertise. The sweet sextile is still in place with Pluto. Others may not be able to envision what you see. Exercising patience pays off!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Jupiter, is retrograde in Aquarius and opposing Mercury in Leo. The desire to be independent and follow your heart is strong! New technology can open this window of opportunity for you to travel more! Go for it! On the Full Moon, Jupiter makes no major aspects to the traditional planets! You may decide to take a holiday and return to a place or country that has a special meaning for you. You may also consider a visit with close friends and family and create an adventure! If opportunity knocks, open the door wide! Thank me later!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Saturn, is retrograde in Aquarius, in trine to the Head of the Dragon and in sextile to the Tail of the Dragon! Choose independence over co-dependence at this time. Write your own ticket, as you did long ago and allow yourself to be happy. Remember how to be spontaneous and honor the opportunities and invitations that come upon you! On the Full Moon, it is much the same, except that Saturn is part of a beautiful kite formation in the Heavens! Take flight! Visit places of peace and beauty! A chauffeur would be a nice touch! Thank me later!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Uranus, is in Taurus, and in double square to the Lights in Leo! You can achieve a great deal of popularity in this cycle, but no one really knows all that you do behind the scenes. It is important to secure your position, your belongings, and your health at this time! Guard technology against pirates! Thank me later. On the Full Moon, Uranus has stationed retrograde in Taurus and is in trine to both Mars and Mercury in Virgo! You will certainly be multi-tasking in this cycle! Some tasks you can do on automatic as your subconscious mind is powerful. Others will be innovative or experimental! Do it ALL!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Neptune, is retrograde in your sign, opposing Venus in Virgo, quincunx to Mercury in Leo and forms a sweet sextile to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn! You may feel a bit disarmed with friends and co-workers at this time. Forgetfulness and misunderstandings are seen. Listen well. Step in gently with your intuition. Have a “Plan B” in place! On the Full Moon, your ruler is opposing Mercury in Virgo and still in sextile to Pluto. Those around you can be either critical or helpful and it will be a mix! Respond rather than react for best results. Constructive criticism may serve you well. Look into others to understand if there is a hidden agenda or personal issue. Take the high road! There is much less traffic and stress! Thank me later!
We kindly invite your comments below. Rev. Joy "Aphrodette" Gambon can also be reached directly through her website,
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