Star Encounters - June 2021

By Rev. Joy "Aphrodette" Gambon
Happy Birthday, Gemini!
820 B Franklin Road SW, Roanoke, VA 24016
540.400.0110 / 540.613.1070
This NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE IS IN GEMINI! The Lights are kissing Mercury retrograde in Gemini as they form a triple square to Neptune in Pisces! Confusion reigns! It will be difficult to discern the truth from the deception. Do not believe everything you hear or see in the World or within yourself. Respond rather than react to information that is not verifiable. Think and think again. If it seems too good to be true – it may be misrepresented. If it seems tragically overwhelming, make sure you know the facts in this cycle before you rush to the rescue or feel disabled to help. Seek the truth. Know the facts. Thank me later!
This FULL MOON IS IN CAPRICORN! The Capricorn Full Moon opposes the Sun in Cancer and forms a sweet sextile to retrograde Jupiter in Pisces. Nurturing others and saying and doing what is noble in your interactions with others can be quite fulfilling. Embrace an attitude of gratitude and take your own good advice to heart! A Grand Trine in Fire is evidenced in this lunation chart. Be loyal, brave, and express your Higher Self at this time. Take the time to smell the roses and regenerate the passion for being present in each moment!
Mercury in Gemini Retrograde ALERT!
Mercury stationed retrograde in Gemini on May 29, 2021 at 06:34PM EDST and will remain so until June 22, 2021 at 6:00PM EDST! This packs a punch because Mercury also rules Gemini! Retrograde Mercury is most challenging to Geminis and Virgos because of this. The Sagittarians and Pisceans will also feel in disarray! Go with the flow! Confirm all appointments and meticulously review any documents you need to sign. Thank me later!
Jupiter Stations Retrograde in Pisces!
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and abundance, briefly entered Pisces on May 13, 2021 at 06:36 PM EDST. It is also the planet of overindulgence and too much of a good thing! It will retrograde on June 21, 2021 and returns to Aquarius on July 29, 2021. It will then be in Aquarius until December 30th of this year and enters Pisces for the year ahead. This is the year to marry Higher Mind to Divine Inspiration! Stroll through this as blessings are on the way!
Saturn in Aquarius Stationed Retrograde!
Saturn stationed retrograde in Aquarius on May 23, 2021 at 05:19AM EDST and will remain so until October 10, 2021 at 10:17PM EST! This cycle allows us to balance our past and future, our inner and outer, our established with what we envision. Take time to look at the bigger picture in your life and also how your priorities and values can serve others and noble causes.
Neptune Stations Retrograde In Pisces!
On June 25, 2021 Neptune will station retrograde in Pisces at 3:21 PM EDST and will remain so until December, 1, 2021 at 8:22 AM EST! It is the perfect time to remember what has inspired you and also discern patterns of disillusionment on your current life journey. Styles of music and art from the past can return and appreciation for those items, architectures, and philosophies that are bathed in antiquity. Be your own muse – at least for now!
Pluto in Capricorn Stationed Retrograde!
Pluto stationed retrograde in Capricorn on April 27, 2021 and will remain so until October 6, 2021. Pluto is the planet of life, death re-birthing and transformations of all types. As it retrogrades each year for a few months, it allows us to employ history as our teacher. Often times in history, that which is nearly forgotten, reveal themselves. Scholars can be intensely busy in this cycle. Do diligent research on fulfilling your deepest needs and desires. Take time to also take a look at the bigger picture of your community, country, the Earth, and the cosmic messages that come through! Take time to ponder!
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Mars, is at the Anaretic degree of Cancer and opposes retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. This is a tipping point for you to honor your sincerity, nurturing, and your ability to embrace your goals and inspire others! Enjoy! On the Full Moon, Mars has entered Leo and is in a Grand Trine of Fire with the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius and Chiron, the Wounded Healer in your sign! Your heart will be open to appreciate yourself and others – whether near or far! This configuration is part of a kite formation! Fly high!
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Venus, is in Cancer and forms a single quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius! Adjust your gait to stop and smell the roses. Embrace your inner comfort zone and troll through your days. On the Full Moon, Venus is still in Cancer and forms a trine to Neptune in Pisces as it opposes a retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. Honor all you have you have dome and all you envision in your future at this time. Allies magically appear! Allow your creativity to flow!
GEMINI May 21 - June 21
Many Happy Solar Returns! This is your month! On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde in your sign and is conjunct the Lights!! WOW! This trilogy also forms a triple square to Neptune in Pisces! Expect a lot of confusion and last-minute changes in your schedule as well as your priorities. Déjà vu will go rampant! Pace yourself. On the Full Moon, Mercury has stationed direct but still technically in its shadow until July 8, 2021. In this lunation chart, it forms a trine to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and a sextile to Chiron in Aries. Choose to get both your physical and mental health back in order. Friends will be there to help!
CANCER June 22 - July 22
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Lights are kissing Mercury retrograde in Gemini as they form a triple square to Neptune in Pisces! Confusion reigns! It will be difficult to discern the truth from the deception. Do not believe everything you hear or see in the World or within yourself. Seek the truth. Know the facts. This Full Moon is in Capricorn and opposes the Sun in your sign and forms a sweet sextile to retrograde Jupiter in Pisces. Nurturing others and saying and doing what is noble can be quite fulfilling. Embrace an attitude of gratitude and take your own good advice to heart! A Grand Trine in Fire is evidenced in this lunation chart. Be loyal, brave and express your Higher Self at this time. Take the time to smell the roses and regenerate the passion for being present in each moment!
LEO JUL 23 - AUG 22
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, the Lights are kissing Mercury retrograde in Gemini as they form a triple square to Neptune in Pisces! Air normally feeds Fire but there is much stop and go in evidence. Avoid spending too much time with those who dampen your spirit. Go inward to renavigate your bearings in this cycle. On the Full Moon, the Sun is in Cancer, opposing the Moon in Capricorn and retrograde Jupiter in Pisces is in attendance! Practical solutions to existing challenges may simply just fall in your lap! Expect to be blessed! Resources can magically appear from those you have supported in the past. Gracious appreciation is in order!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde in Gemini and is conjunct the Lights!! WOW! This trilogy also forms a triple square to Neptune in Pisces! You may find yourself running in circles both physically and mentally. Take control of your schedule as best you can and confirm all appointments. Read the full recipe before your grocery shop! Pace yourself. On the Full Moon, Mercury has stationed direct but still technically in its shadow until July 8, 2021. In this lunation chart, it forms a trine to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and a sextile to Chiron in Aries! Mechanical and electronic devices can serve you but if you are seeking to upgrade, do the research. Health reevaluation is also in order. Choose with care.
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Venus, is in Cancer and forms a single quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius! Travel can choose to be ambitious due to traffic or weather predictions. Alter your journeys appropriately. The great outdoors has appeal! Bring your umbrella! On the Full Moon, Venus is still in Cancer and forms a trine to Neptune in Pisces as it opposes a retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. You are extremely imaginative at this time. You may re-organize everything to please your aesthetic senses! Your schedule may need to be tweaked moving forward. Take your time as Mercury is still in its shadow. Be flexible!
On the New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler of event, Mars, is at the Anaretic degree of Cancer and opposes your ruler of process, retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. Finishing up projects can be a bit challenging because the perfectionist in you is very awake! Time slips away when you are dedicated. Set an alarm or ask others to remind you to take a break! On the Full Moon, Mars, has entered Leo and is in a Grand Trine of Fire with the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius and Chiron in Aries! Pluto, your planet of process, is retrograde and simply opposes Venus in Cancer. Much cooperation and appreciation surround you. Those you care about that you have not had time to connect with can magically re-appear! Take the time to bask in the glow of true friendship! Thank me later!
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Jupiter, is in Pisces and forms no major aspects to the traditional planets. This is a wonderful time to vacation or spend time by the water! Share your dreams with those closest to you. Relax! On the Full Moon, Jupiter has stationed retrograde and is in trine to the Cancer Sun and in sweet sextile to the Capricorn Moon! NICE! Both business and pleasure can be quite fulfilling. Return to places that you love to visit or at least schedule the journey. If you have been considering buying a boat or a jet ski, or wanting to take a cruise, proceed with caution. Mercury is still in its shadow. Seek the best deal!
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Saturn, is retrograde in Aquarius, in trine with the head of the Dragon in Gemini and in sextile to both Chiron in Aries and the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius! Time to celebrate the good karma you have created and embrace a healthy lifestyle and attitude. Rest on your laurels – at least for now! On the Full Moon, the sextiles are still in place but now Mercury has stationed direct and conjoining the Head of the Dragon in double trine to Saturn! NICE! Enjoy sharing your memories with others. Reconnect with all the precious ones! Enjoy!
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Uranus, is in Taurus, forming a square to retrograde Saturn in your sign, and a quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius! You will be very motivated in this cycle and thankful for what you have achieved. DO slow your pace a bit as “The hurrier you go, the behinder you get.” Thank me later! On the Full Moon, it is much the same! The key in this cycle is to maintain rather than accelerate! Shift gears when necessary, knowing that arriving at your destination is assured!
On this New Moon Solar Eclipse, your ruler, Neptune, is in Pisces and forms a triple square to the Lights and retrograde Mercury in Gemini! This can be a bit disarming and confusing for you. You may have dreams and visions that are difficult to interpret or explain to others. Rest with this. Journaling may help! You can be quite sensitive in this cycle. Retreat if necessary! On the full Moon, Neptune is now in trine to Venus in Cancer! Time to re-embrace a comfort margin both mentally and spiritually. Sincere friends or followers will seek you out! You may want to exercise random acts of kindness toward others! Be open to receive appreciation from others,
We kindly invite your comments below. Rev. Joy "Aphrodette" Gambon can also be reached directly through her website,
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