Star Encounters May 2021

By Rev. Joy "Aphrodette" Gambon
Happy Birthday, Taurus!
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This NEW MOON IS IN TAURUS and occurs on May 11, 2021 at 05:59:38 PM EDST. The Lights are kissing in Taurus and form a double sextile to Neptune in Pisces! They also form a double trine to the Virgo Ascendant if you reside in Eastern Daylight Savings Time! This is a wonderfully creative time where you can manifest your dreams! Be open to your wisdom and inspiration!
This FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IS IN SAGITTARIUS and occurs on May 26, 2021 at 07:13:43 AM EDST. It forms a mutable T-square as it opposes the Sun in Gemini, lines up with the Dragon and squares off with Jupiter in early Pisces! It also forms a beautiful trine with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries! The key is to be flexible and open to compromise, particularly in social settings. Embrace an attitude of gratitude!
Mercury in Gemini Stations Retrograde ALERT!
Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini on May 29, 2021 at 06:34PM EDST and will remain so until June 22, 2021 at 6:00PM EDST! This packs a punch beause Mercury also rules Gemini! Retrograde Mercury is most challenging to Geminis and Virgos because of this. The Sagittarians and Pisceans will also feel in disarray! Go with the flow! Confirm all appointments and meticulously review any documents you need to sign. Thank me later!
Jupiter Enters Pisces For A Visit!
Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and abundance, will enter Pisces on May 13, 2021 at 06:36 PM EDST. It is also the planet of overindulgence and too much of a good thing! It will retrograde on June 21, 2021 and returns to Aquarius on July 29, 2021. It will then be in Aquarius until December 30th of this year and enter Pisces for the year ahead. This is the year to marry Higher Mind to Divine Inspiration! Stroll through this as blessings are on the way!
Saturn in Aquarius Stations Retrograde
Saturn will station retrograde in Aquarius on May 23, 2021 at 05:19AM EDST and will remain so until October 10, 2021 at 10:17PM EST! This cycle allows us to balance our past and future, our inner and outer, our established with whay we envision. Take time to look at the bigger picture in your life and also how you priorities and values can serve others and noble causes.
Pluto in Capricorn Stationed Retrograde
Pluto stationed retrograde in Capricorn on April 27, 2021 and will remain so until to October 6, 2021. Pluto is the planet of life, death re-birthing and tramsformations of all types. As it retrogrades each year for a few months, it allows us to employ history as our teacher. Often times in history, that which is nearly forgotten, reveal themselves.
Scholars can be intensely busy in this cycle. Do diligent research on fulfilling your deepest needs and desires. Take time to also take a look at the bigger picture of your community, country, the Earth and the cosmic messages that come through! Take time to ponder!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Mars, is in Cancer, in square to Chiron in your sign and forms a Yod with the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Aquarius. It also forms a sweet sextile to Uranus in Taurus. This is an excellent time to be creative and even ingenious about taking good care of your health. Get comfortable and stay motivated with good habits!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Mars is still in Cancer and is opposing Pluto in Capricorn and in trine to Neptune in Pisces! Creative genius is in evidence. You can create a project or a motto that will stand the test of time! Let your imagination run wild!
Many Happy Solar Returns! This is your month! On this New Moon, your ruler, Venus, is in Gemini and in square to Jupiter in late Aquarius. Expect a bit of confusion and conflicts within regarding thoughts and feelings. Try not to overreact or take others too seriously. Depersonalize aggression in your environment and do not take it too much to heart.
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Venus is still in Gemini and conjunct Mercury as they form a double square to Neptune in Pisces. You will be multi-tasking and time will simply disappear! Misplacing tools or documents can be a bit frustrating. Take breaks and reassemble the tasks of the day if necessary! Pause. Breathe!
On the New Moon, your ruler, Mercury, is in your sign, conjunct the Head of the Dragon and they form a double trine to Saturn in Aquarius and a double sextile to Chiron in Aries! Keep positive and helpful people close to, as you are one of them! Build your tribe!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, there is a parade of planets in your sign! Mercury is conjunct Venus in your sign, and they form a double square to Neptune in Pisces. Mercury does form a quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn. It will be difficult to feel grounded in this cycle. Go with the flow if you can for the best outcome. Rest when you can!
On this New Moon, The Lights, are in Taurus and form a double sextile to Neptune in Pisces! You can easily manifest your dreams and see practical results from your legendary intuition. Embrace wisdom and a good sense of humor! Pay close attention to your dreams!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, the Moon, is in Sagittarius and forms a mutable T-square as it opposes the Sun in Gemini, lines up with the Dragon and squares off with Jupiter in early Pisces! It also forms a beautiful trine with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries! WOW! Embrace flexibility in your daily activities knowing that much is in flux! Simply accept those things or persons that resist change!
LEO JUL 22 - AUG 2
On this New Moon, The Lights, are in Taurus and form a double sextile to Neptune in Pisces. There is an absence of planetary forces in Fire at this time. You may feel a bit disassociated. Although you are not into hibernation, naps and healthy escapes can see you through. Purr anyway!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, the Sun forms a mutable T-square as it opposes the Moon in Sagittarius, lines up with the Dragon and squares off with Jupiter in early Pisces! It also forms a beautiful trine with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries! The Fire returns! Be as versatile and engaging as possible! Be kind and compassionate and your heart will be happy!
On the New Moon, your ruler, Mercury, is in is in Gemini, conjunct the Head of the Dragon and they form a double trine to Saturn in Aquarius and a double sextile to Chiron in Aries! Embrace new ideas at this time and be open to discovering that a bit of a lifestyle change is in order. Share your thoughts and desires with those closest to you!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Mercury is conjunct Venus in Gemini and they form a double square to Neptune in Pisces. Mercury does form a quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn. You may feel that all others have lost their mind! Your practicality and insight may help others to find solutions. Speak up. Be of service!
On this New Moon, you ruler, Venus, is in Gemini and in square to Jupiter in late Aquarius. A more Universal view will be required! This will prove easier for you than you anticipate! Bring out the big picture of what you envision. Help others to do the same. Thank me later!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Venus is still in Gemini and conjunct Mercury as they form a double square to Neptune in Pisces. Mental focus and clairvoyance together, meet this challenge successfully! It is more about poetry than proof! Enjoy the exchanges of energy with others! Gleam!
On the New Moon, Mars, your planet of event, is in Cancer, in square to Chiron in Aries and forms a Yod with the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Aquarius. It also forms a sweet sextile to Uranus in Taurus. Pluto, your planet of process, is in Capricorn and forms no aspects to the traditional planets. Expect the unexpected at this time – for good or ill! Fly by the seat of your pants and do it your way!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Mars is still in Cancer and is opposing Pluto in Capricorn and in trine to Neptune in Pisces! Your intuition and creativity are strong. DO spend some time by the water if you are able. Others will appreciate your wisdom. Share!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Jupiter, at the Anaretic degree of Aquarius on the cusp of Pisces and in square to Venus in Gemini! Communication in the workplace and regarding practical goals in your personal life can be challenging! Obstacle will be crystal clear and guide you to draw up a new plan to move forward. Trust!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Jupiter has moved into Pisces and forms a mutable T-square with the Lights and the Dragon! Meetings can be challenging on both the professional and private fronts. Stay as focused as you can knowing that most conclusions may be temporary! Coast!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Saturn, is in Aquarius, and forms beautiful trines to Mercury and the head of the Dragon! It is still in square to Uranus in Taurus, as this is a long cycle. Friendships will flourish and camaraderie is awesome! Those who surround you may be making big changes and expect to be surprised!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Saturn s now in sextile to Chiron in Aries, in square to Uranus and in trine to the Head of the Dragon. Be the frie3nd – not the teacher just now. Allow others to embrace their sense of responsibility! Simply encourage!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Uranus is in Taurus, in square to Saturn in sign, sextile to Mars in Cancer and forms a quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon! Hard work and unexpected events are in the offing! This can be an amazing time when doors fly open! Be ready! Take good care of those who take good care of you!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Uranus in Taurus is still in square to Saturn in your sign as this is a long-term aspect of you meeting the challenge to promote your unique gifts! There can be challenges with travel as Uranus is quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius. Items that you may need or want could suffer from delayed delivery. Know that all is in Divine order! Chill!
On this New Moon, your ruler, Neptune, is in your sign and in double sextile to the Lights in Taurus! Nice! This is a time to complete creative projects and share your vision of the future with others who are also highly inspired! Good friends and family ste3p in for you at the perfect moment! Simply thank them!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Neptune is now in a double square to Venus and Mercury in Gemini and a trine to Mars in Cancer! Everyone wants to know what you are doing now and next! Fill them in and encourage them as well. Sharing is awesome in this cycle for you! Smile!
We kindly invite your comments below. Rev. Joy "Aphrodette" Gambon can also be reached directly through her website,
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