Bach Flower of the Month: GENTIAN (April 2021)

by Rev. Shellie Enteen
Following emotional Pisces and dynamic Aries, the sign of Taurus brings us back to earth with sensory delight.
Taurus wants to touch, taste, and smell the world around it. It wants to build and, most of all, it wants to preserve: the status quo, resources, relationships, and values. If “me” was Aries’ word, “mine” is the word for Taurus.
However, as stable and grounded as Taurus may sound, it can become insecurity and develop into a pattern of “holding on” that becomes stubborn and rigid.
Faith and delight in the now moment get replaced with fear of the future. “What if’s” proliferate, and the focus on experience becomes a search for cracks in the foundation. Any signs of setback, in matters of life or health, become a cause for despair and negative projections. Superstition and a blind surrender to what is considered the ‘will of heaven’ replace inner reflection on the true nature of cause and effect.
There is depression, with a known cause that is something to do with the idea of material world lack.
Sometimes this is a passing state of being, occurring at the end of a long bout with a situation or illness, when there seems to be some regression. At the extreme we see the hardened skeptic, a chronic doubter. A person who appears to enjoy their pessimism, is fond of complaining, and easily finds excuses to abandon projects, jobs, and relationships.
In either case, this state is balanced by Gentian, which Dr. Bach says is "For those who are easily discouraged. They may be progressing well in illness or in the affairs of their daily life, but any small delay or hindrance to progress causes doubt and soon disheartens them.”
The vibration of Gentian removes the mental block and reconnects one's personality to faith and the higher self. The individual can now handle difficulties without becoming despondent. Optimism replaces doubt and the personality becomes strongly self-confident, seeing the good no matter what the circumstance.
Some affirmations for the Gentian state:
“Obstacles are chances to learn.”
“I believe in ultimate success.”
“The Light within me conquers all things.”
“My Higher Self is the source of all good.”
Note that while Uranus—planet of surprising change—is in Taurus until April of 2026, we may have a strong, prolonged, and widespread need for Gentian whenever those changes create a sense of discouragement and pessimism.
Rev. Shellie Enteen is a Registered Aromatherapist with over 30 years of experience and practice. Shellie has spoken at professional conferences, taught continuing education in Aromatherapy, and continues to provide online classes and continuing education through the SC Allied Health Education Corporation. She wrote the column “The Aromatic Message” for Massage Today magazine from 2003-2013 and her articles appeared in Massage Magazine and The Aromatherapy Journal of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, where she served on the Board for nine years as Vice President.
We kindly invite your comments below. Rev. Shellie Enteen is also available for consultations and online classes through her website,
Dear Shellie - great description and certain to be useful in the month ahead. Would you say that these influences will be reflected in our larger society? Also, I'm old enough to remember my grandmother using Gentian Violet on us occasionally. Haven't seen it around for 60+ years. In my house it disappeared along with the mercurochrome.
Love it!
Thank you
I would like to register for a gem show that I’ve just heard was happening
in Orlando may 21st. It’s wholesale and a blast to attend. However I need a
resale tax certificate but not sure if that falls under the Adl tax
certificate or my nonprofit chapel or how to proceed. I am hoping you could
send a copy of resale tax certificate so I can submit it to the g&lw. I
sent this message through messenger and I thank you very much for your
continued assistance in this. Also if you have any special request for
stones I will be happy to pick anything up. I know your work is special and
much needed for passing. I wonder what stones are good for that.
I shall have to investigate further.
Be Well,
Hi there,
I am raising money for Alliance of Divine Love The Seventh Root. Please
join me in supporting this cause!
You can easily make a donation by going to
Thank you!
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