Essence of the Month: ROSEMARY (March 2021)

by Rev. Shellie Enteen
When Shakespeare’s Ophelia said, “There’s Rosemary, that’s for remembrance,” she was parroting a well-known fact in Elizabethan times.
For the Greeks and Romans, rosemary was a sacred plant, used for religious ceremonies and carried at both weddings and funerals. Traces of rosemary have been found in the tombs of Pharaohs and it was also planted on graves in Asia. In France, it was a fumigant for sick rooms and churches. The English covered pounded-dirt floors with these highly fragrant branches for protection and elimination of unpleasant odors.
Today, we know it best as a wonderfully aromatic cooking herb that can be grown into an attractive flowering bush.
As early March and the cold deep ocean waters of Pisces test our endurance, the powerful warming action of rosemary can be just what the inner doctor ordered.
Rosemary is best known in Aromatherapy as a stimulant for the circulatory system, which also assists metabolism in the liver and gallbladder. This makes it helpful in all cases where detoxification, warming, or stimulation is required; such as varicose veins, simple water retention, muscle pain, spasms, and arthritis.
Increased circulation to the scalp and brain aids memory, enlivens the system, relieves headache from congestion, and improves hair quality and quantity. Rosemary is a popular ingredient in shampoos for oily hair, dandruff, and hair loss as it helps open and activate hair follicles.
Extremely warming and dynamic, rosemary is ruled by the Sun and assigned to the Solar Plexus Chakra. Its specific action on the brain also gives it influence on the Sixth Chakra. It helps with clear-sightedness, assists clairvoyance, and prepares rooms prior to meditation. Its crystals are clear Quartz and Sugalite.
Rosemary is not suggested for use during pregnancy or by those suffering from high blood pressure or epilepsy, and it may antidote homeopathic remedies.
Because it is so stimulating, rosemary is often used in the morning or before sundown. Late evening use can cause sleeplessness. Additionally, rosemary is often blended with other essences to tone down its effects. For bath and body use, only a small quantity is required.
- Blend a few drops of rosemary with lavender and juniper for a deep muscle detox and pain relief massage/bath oil
- Try a diluted rosemary-peppermint foot bath after a day of hard walking or standing
- Diffuse a blend of rosemary and grapefruit for euphoric energy
- Diffuse rosemary with lemon and/or peppermint to aid studies, memory, and clear thinking
Remember rosemary whenever you need a quick clearing and pick-me-up.
Rev. Shellie Enteen is a Registered Aromatherapist with over 30 years of experience and practice. Shellie has spoken at professional conferences, taught continuing education in Aromatherapy, and continues to provide online classes and continuing education through the SC Allied Health Education Corporation. She wrote the column “The Aromatic Message” for Massage Today magazine from 2003-2013 and her articles appeared in Massage Magazine and The Aromatherapy Journal of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, where she served on the Board for nine years as Vice President.
Rev. Shellie Enteen is available for consultations and online classes. She can be reached through her website,
I love rosemary! I'm an amateur but it is probably my favorite herb. 🤓
Rosemary is a stable in my garden every year. It smells wonderful in a flower arrangement and gives the arrangement depth. Thanks for all the info Shellie. Great info.
Thank you, Peg.
Shellie, I love rosemary and use it often. BTW, beautiful picture of you!
Rev Shellie, I enjoyed reading, as always, it is a pleasure. Rosemary plants have such a wonderful smell. I didn't know that is wasn't good for high blood pressure. Its one of the few plants I have that has actually lasted over the years and eat often... I'll have to plant some in the hen house.. I thank you for sharing with us.
Be Well,
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