Scripture from the Planet of the Wise One

by Rev. Dr. Barbara Selwa
Before we begin, let us bring out some things describing The Holy Wise One. He is not incarnate on Earth but lives on a planet which is classified as an angel world. This means that it is higher spiritually than Earth, i.e. no wars, hunger or cruelty there. Below is a section of the Angel world's guiding beliefs (and also scientific findings. The Holy Wise One is also called "SD". I, (Barb Selwa) have known him for a very long time and I don't know what I would do without his wonderful judgement. His "just wait" has saved me many times when I was over eager.
CREATION:. The law of thought is whatever you think is present in existence, both in the material and non material realms.
Both proof and creation(act of creation) rest in humans. You have the final say in both.
Endless, ceaseless, spinning, turning, weaving creative eternity. My mind and Your love are one. Fashioned ideas become physical because of Oneness. Take us not apart from Oneness.
The thought systems and forms encompassing,projecting and capable of expressing the most Love constitute wisdom.
The answer in life is Love.
All is Love Mind: the structures and the powers of all the world.
Captivation lies in thought structures. Structure not your life so that it is filled with terror and remorse, transgress not your own thought felt heart structures.
Knowledge and learning: in thinking and learning you establish what "is". You learn it then relate to it through faith.
Sin is only your own state of wrong. It is put out of practice through refusing to grant it power or reality of Love.
Love is not perceived, as are Light, Truth and other God concepts. Love IS.
Life is a liberation of the God within.
Your admiring Angel SD
1 comment
Exquisitely perfect and gentle in its power!
Gloria Stanchak Alexander, BA, BCH, MT, MNLP
Board Certified Hypnotherapist & Trainer
Phone: (561) 683-4220
Group Leader at The Jupiter Lighthouse Transformational Group and Hypnosis
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