Who Are You?

by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I invite you to take a couple of deep breaths. Remember to breathe with your stomach, inflating it as you take in the air and contracting it to push the breath out. Do this several times, slowing your pace with each breath. As you breathe in, close your eyes and allow a sparkling white-gold light to enter your lungs through your imagination. Allow that light to flow throughout your whole body, creating a gentle, tingling sensation. As you exhale, release anything that is unlike your brilliant light, anything at all that causes concern, tension or negativity. Breathe several times more, with the consciousness of tingling and release.
As your breathing evens out, slip into your right brain where you can begin to see images of yourself walking on a path through a freshly mown field of grass. Feel the cleared path under your feet; smell the clean, fresh scent of the grass clippings; watch the birds swooping down to collect insects that have been left homeless and vulnerable.
As the afternoon slides into an evening sunset, notice that there are three huge movie screens rising up from the field a few hundred feet in front of you. The center and right screens are grayed out, while the picture on the left materializes in muted colors. After a short period of time, you notice that the movie playing is a biography of your life. You watch the scenes unfold, not with dismay or sadness, not with denial or regrets, but with a sense of wonder and a feeling similar to accomplishment. You know in your heart that you were resilient and stalwart, that you survived and even thrived in many difficult, even frightening and harmful situations. You might have given up completely. Instead, you pushed through and pushed on. You see how much you have learned, how carefully you were molded. Before the movie ends and the picture fades, the narrator says loudly through the speakers: “Who are you? Who are you?” Without any hesitation, you answer. “I am the perfection of Divine Order, the prearranged essence of Divine Spirit.”
The left screen fades and the center screen powers up in vibrant colors of every hue and shade. This time, you recognize that the movie playing is of your recent past and present-day actions. The scenes demonstrate your passion for learning many spiritual concepts including forgiveness, gratitude, inclusion, intention, affirmative prayer and the care and compassion for others. You watch, transfixed, happy and even proud of what you are accomplishing, of your desire and ability to Love, beginning with yourself, and extending to other people and beings in this universe. You then hear the narrator’s voice reverberating through the speakers: “Who are you? Who are you?” Without even the blink of an eye, you answer, “I am a peaceful, joyful, pure expression of Divine Love.”
After the center screen fades away, the right screen comes to life in the most brilliant and well-defined colors you have seen so far. As the film begins, you see several different scenarios, each depicting a future “You:” the “you” you want to be, the “you” you might become and the “you” you have been dreaming of. As the film progresses, you see gradual but steady changes in your activities. You’ve lightened your physical load: “stuff” means very little to you now. You’re participating in less “doing” and less socializing, becoming more eager to meditate, not out of habit or self-imposed requirement, but more from frequent desires to go within and experience true connection. You’ve begun to feel less enlightened and more humbled, small and infinite at the same time. You know without any doubt, that your presence and focus are enough to send changes where they are needed, to manifest where there has been stagnation, and to invoke peace where there is disharmony. When you’ve made these new realizations about your life and about your impending future, you once more hear the booming voice of the narrator: “Who are you? Who are you?” and you respond, “I Am the true Oneness with All-that-Is. I Am.”
As the right screen grows dim, you realize the Truth of your being and you are at peace. You take a few cleansing, fortifying breaths, stretch out you muscles, and open you eyes.
Affirmation: Little by little, day by day, I make, allow and accept changes into my life that lead me to a fuller understanding of who I truly am.
And so it is.
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