
by Rev. Stacey Piedrahita
Brown little curls
Eyes green with a little blue
A mischievous smile upon your face
I think you are two
Throwing sand at the seagulls
The joy upon your face
Fearless, not a care in the world
Can we stay forever in this place
The waves are so loud crashing into the surf
The ocean doesn't scare you in your sparkly bathing suit
The tide pools hold you until you can swim a little stronger
What I wouldn't give to go back in time and hold you five minutes longer
To inhale the essence of coconut on your golden skin
To the pink toes on your little feet
To your white little bum
The smell of Coppertone takes me back
The seashells, the seagulls, all the long walks
The sunrise, the sunset, all the long naps
Thank you for the memories, my heart skips a beat
Take me back in time
Take me back to Sunset Beach
Stacey, don't ever stop writing!
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