Winter Solstice – 3:47PM CST December 21, 2022

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by Rev. Dr. Barb Rothwell

It is said that this time of year is a time of celebration for the passing of the darkness into the lightness of what is yet to come. A time of new beginnings, a time of reviewing our deeds of the past and preparing for the future. As the winter solstice approaches, our days of light have shortened, and our nights have lengthened until we reach the solstice.

This is the time of year when the darkness can feel like a heavy weight pressing down on us, limiting us of our abilities to reach our goals, but it is also the time of year that we begin to take stock of what we have actually accomplished, and seek other ways in which to see those accomplishments in a new light. We can also find ways that allows us to look upon those accomplishments and find a way to improve upon what has been accomplished in the past and move forward as we begin to see more light than darkness.

This series of depleting light and growing darkness parallels the emotions of many and begs for us to move inward to focus on the darker part of ourselves. A time to review our negative thoughts, negative attitudes, and negative deeds and move them all into the light that surrounds us internally. It is a time of year that many people struggle with seasonal affective disorder or clinical depression. Some people feel lethargic and generally exhausted because there is limited sunlight. We must try to remember that “this too will pass”. The light outside can not put out the light inside all of us. Our positive spirit outshines the negativity that stirs its ugly head by putting up roadblocks along our daily paths.

Make the best of this season, no matter what your spiritual preferences may be, and remember in the large realm that it our universe, our lives may seem to be just a tiny speck, until we remember that our spirit has been since the dawn of time, and while experiencing many darkness’s still shines in the light.


Cathy Shea

Thank you Barb, we are taking a few days in silence to celebrate solstice and take stock of the year behind us. I had a long rich conversation with my mentor Lindsay Babich this morning in the future looks bright as I plan my ordination with her guidance. I’m very honored to be in the circle of healers and spiritual giants like yourself. Blessings to you, those you love and all sentient beings 

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Kathleen S Bergman

Thank you so much for sharing your insights.

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