2024 Annual ADL Conference

Activate the Divine Within!

Jacksonville, Florida




 Register for the Full Conference Today

Short on time or funds, but want participate in the conference? Buy day passes valid for Friday, Sept. 13, 2024 or Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 at $75 per day.  

Excited to have you join us for what we can all create together to Activate the Divine Within!! 

We will delve into the 5 aspects of our ministry as shared with us by Rev Dr Barb Selwa:

  • Spiritual Communications
  • Healing Energies
  • Psychic/Intuitive Gifts
  • Social Movement
  • Plant & Animal Connections 

The 2024 National Conference is being held in Jacksonville, FL at the beautiful Crowne Plaza Conference Hotel near the airport.

We start with an informal Meet and Greet evening at 6:00 PM on Thursday, Sept 12, 2024, in the hotel lounge.  Friday morning activities begin at 9:00 AM with the National Meeting followed by Ordinations and Conferrals (if any).  The presentations will be on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday.  We end the Conference on Sunday with a Sacred Service.  We are planning some fun activities for Friday and Saturday evenings. Conference price is $325 before 6/1, $350 afterwards.

A "Meal Plan" for a traveling companion is available to purchase through the ADL Conference without being required to register for the actual conference. They are welcome to join us during meals using this convenient option (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 9/13 & 14, Breakfast only on 9/15). Meal-only price is $240.

Are you short on time or funds, but still would like to participate in the conference? We are pleased to offer affordable day passes which are valid for Friday, September 13, 2024 or Saturday, September 14, 2024 at $75 per day. Please note: Day passes include admittance for one day and complimentary drinks (coffee, tea, or water). No lodging, meals or snacks will be provided.

*** Be sure to book your rooms by August 22, 2024 ***

Register to Attend Hotel Reservations Purchase a Day Pass


 Vendor, Volunteer, Presenter and Healer Opportunities Available  

Support the ADL Conference and share your inspirational and educational insights with high levels of Love energy. Connect with people who are spiritually-minded, passionate about personal growth and healing modalities of all kinds. 

We're looking for...


We welcome presenters who will share their gifts and their wisdom with conference attendees on their view of the 5 aspects of our ministry.


Vendor Area near the main meeting room has 6’ table & 2 chairs for $60 for 2 days.



The Healing Garden is an area designated for healers and/or readers. There is a fee of $60 for two days in this space.


We will need support with: 

  • Tech
  • Registration 
  • Setup  
  • Hospitality 
  • Tidy up

Please Remember...

Attendees are responsible for making their own guest room reservations either by phone or booking online.

Please reserve your room ASAP, as hotel rates will increase dramatically after the 8/22/24 deadline.

By phone: 877-786-2807 or online booking (see "HOTEL RESERVATIONS" button above). 

Be sure to mention you are with the Alliance of Divine Love for the discounted room rate of $124 per night plus tax. This rate is only available until August 22, 2024. All rooms reserved after this date are subject to availability and prevailing rates.