About Alliance of Divine Love
The Alliance of Divine Love (ADL) trains and supports ministers to counsel, heal, teach and contribute to those in need and those seeking to awaken to their higher consciousness as they are divinely guided.
The Basics
The Alliance of Divine Love, Inc. (ADL) is a federally recognized, Non-Profit 501(c)(3) interfaith ministry that embraces and seeks to live the Truth of Divine Love in the Greatest Degree. The ADL National Headquarters is located in the historic and beautiful village of Flat Rock, North Carolina, about 30 miles south of Asheville.
ADL ministers are ordained after completing spiritual development studies that include the basics in spiritual counseling and practical ministry skills. Full ministerial status is conferred after the completion of a one year internship. This training prepares ministers to offer traditional spiritual counseling in addition to the use of metaphysical methods to bring awareness to the light of the spirit.
ADL ministers work to enlighten and uplift souls, promoting spiritual growth through Divine Love using the Greatest Degree of Love as a foundation.
The Concept
The Alliance of Divine Love began long before you and I walked the earth; indeed, before the Earth and universe were even formed. The entirety of Creation is linked through Divine Love’s relationship or alliance with Itself. Love forever seeks greater degrees of Itself within Itself. Thus, the beauty of each spring flower, each songbird’s melody is formed — that Love may find Itself through creating beauty and joy within Itself.
All the joy, peace, and happiness that you have ever felt is Divine Love. In creating you, It found one of Its greatest joys, and It now seeks to draw you closer to Itself. Its constant drawing of you nearer to Itself is called spiritual development. Through this process, you will be led to happiness and degrees of Love beyond your wildest visions.
The Alliance of Divine Love, Inc. (ADL) was legally formed upon the Earth to aid in Divine Love’s process of humankind’s spiritual development. It is a channel for workers and guides from the Organization of Light to present Higher teachings from realities beyond Earth. ADL workers on the Earth plane are carefully chosen to be helpers of the Organization of Light.
Our Community
The ADL holds a national gathering each year to provide opportunities for all of our ministers, trainers, doctoral mentors and family members to join in spiritual fellowship and share the grace of our work and lives.
Great friendships develop from these meetings as well as much learning and healing. With so many divinely gifted readers and healers in attendance, attendees almost always experience profound spiritual upliftings.
The nature of these meetings varies from traditional conference settings with nationally recognized speakers and musical performances to spiritual retreats for personal renewal and both individual and group connection to Higher Source.
All ministers are invited and encouraged to participate in at least one gathering each year. Tapping into the wealth of our collective group of ministers is a gift to give and receive for yourself.
To pursue unity and a common purpose so that our energies and time will be well spent.
To seek and share knowledge that promotes spiritual and mental growth while insuring stability and balance.
With wisdom and joy, teach and put into practice a philosophy of life that inspires and brings out the true beauty of the soul, sharpens the mind, and renders us master of our destiny and of greater service to our fellow man.
To learn and share the secrets of the purest kind of love that leaves no room for fear, adds fulfillment and quality to life, and perfects each individual.
What is the Alliance of Divine Love?
- The Alliance of Divine Love is the coming together of groups to study the concept of Love in all religions.
- It is the meeting of Muslim, Jewish and Christian men and women to heal children.
- It is a Buddhist monk teaching the ADL membership meditation techniques.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is a forum where spiritual intuitions and insights are shared.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is an oversoul of Love which spans the Universe.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is friendship and laughter and harmony.
- It is loving each other.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is Native American ceremonies being taught to Hindus and Catholics.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is a vigorous, ongoing push of Divine Love into the world.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is the application of the principle of the Greatest Degree of Love in all life situations, instead of a blind following of narrow religious dogmas.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is a search for Divine Truth.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is a deep, inner spiritual transformation.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is the blending of Love from all great religious teachers.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is all the world’s concepts of Love from the most remote past, recent history, the present and times to come.
- The Alliance of Divine Love is you and me and them and us.
- It is the knowledge that all is Love, no matter what other attributes a situation or person appears to be manifesting.
- The Alliance of Divine Love emphasizes that Love is the only reality.
- It recognizes that Love spans all planets, all planes, all dimensions, all realities, all universes, and the material and energies within.
Legal Aspects
The Alliance of Divine Love is a federally recognized all-inclusive ministry with a 40-year history of service. Among the many benefits are the major tax advantages of automatic access to 501c3 non-profit status and legal protection for spiritual healing, counseling and the intuitive arts.
Once you become a minister, you will receive a Chapel #, which will be registered with the IRS through an EIN. This ensures that you are protected by the organization's umbrella, which allows ADL ministers to practice their personal spiritual calling without fear of harassment by authorities.
For many ADL ministers, legal protection of their spiritual craft is a major reason for becoming an ADL minister.
The ADL national headquarters is located in the beautiful Flat Rock, North Carolina
Our Founders

Rev. Dr. Barbara Selwa